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Welcome. I’m Lauren Bear.

I’m a mischievous and curious soul who enjoys learning and then sharing what I’ve learned with you.

What Can You Do With Feng Shui?

What Can You Do With Feng Shui?

Feng Shui, if you don’t already know, translates to “wind water”, or wind and water. That’s really unhelpful if you don’t know what Feng Shui really means.

Think of how wind, and water, both flow. They follow the contours of the land, and they can shape the land. They flow through things, and they distribute things. They can be essential, and they can be destructive.

I feel like I just kinda puked poetic imagry all over you. That didn’t help at all, did it?

Let’s try another approach. Feng Shui is a way of tapping into the flow of the energy that’s already surrounding you, and cultivating energy that supports you. For a Westerner, that’s probably still not very informative.

Let’s switch over the the science side of my brain for a moment. There was this cool experiment that proved wave-particle duality. That’s science talk for ‘everything is both energy AND matter’. Even light is energy and matter, which is kind of a trip.

We know that energy flows through our atmosphere, and the Earth. If you want evidence, I give you lightning. Grounding plugs for your appliances are another example of the very real aspect of the Earth not only holding energy, but being able to balance it.

The whole thing around Feng Shui started with the outdoors. Amusingly, it was first used for grave site selection. Cheery! Over time people were like “Yo! Maybe we should use this stuff for living people too, and not just the ancestors”. Based on my vast understanding of Classical Chinese, that’s a direct quote.

It’s common sense that you don’t want to build your home on a flood plain, or where it’s likely to be taken out by an avalanche. Then people took it up (actually in) another notch, and used the concepts indoors. But it all comes back to nature. It always comes back to nature.

Did you know the easiest thing to achieve in Feng Shui is a home that supports relationships? Not everyone gets it right, but you can probably think of various relatives who always had the holiday gatherings. They probably didn’t have a fancy house. They may not have had a pretty house. Their furniture may have been ugly, and their decor the stuff of nightmares, yet people always gathered there.

Stop and think about those homes. Did they have tons of pictures of the family? Did they have various mementos and other reminders of happy times together?

Often those family members don’t have the same success financially, or in other areas of their lives. Because other areas are harder to cultivate.

Do you know why? It’s easier to tap into our intuition when it comes to our loved ones, because our intuition feels like love. The family members who always have everyone gathering in their home, they’re good at cultivating the energy of loving families.

When it comes to money, career, or your deeply held longings, that intuition is often blocked by feelings of selfishness, or money blocks.

We have all kinds of things that can get in the way of clarity when it comes to what we dream of.

What if we try to embrace the radical idea that the things we long for are important for us. I’m not talking about having a certain brand of car to impress your friends, or so you feel like “you’ve made it”. I’m talking about the stuff your soul craves.

So if we begin with the belief that these soul-level longings are part of our navigation system, what can we do with that?

Clarity is the secret sauce in Feng Shui. It can take time and effort to muddle through and gain clarity on what our soul’s contract is for this life, but it’s essential.

Perhaps accumulating wealth to right centuries of economic inequities is part of your journey, it might not be a superficial thing. It might be the beginning of a new pattern for your descendants.

Maybe living in a certain place will lead you to the community of people you were meant to spend your time with.

Maybe a desire to travel will lead you to learn lessons you can share with others and change lives.

What does your soul long for? What ideas and yearnings do you find yourself returning to again and again? I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Can you start to find a little clarity on what your soul is here to do?

Sometimes we need to do a little work with Feng Shui to remove the mental and physical clutter to reach that magical clarity. Join me in the art of using Feng Shui to create a place where your heart feels at home. Where you can find the clarity you seek, so you can set your soul free.

*typos and errors provided at no additional charge.

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