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Welcome. I’m Lauren Bear.

I’m a mischievous and curious soul who enjoys learning and then sharing what I’ve learned with you.

Let's Look After Each Other

Let's Look After Each Other

As I'm writing this, we're already into the holiday season. Hanukkah is full swing, Yule and the Winter Solstice are right around the corner, and Christmas is a week away.

Even more notably, we're experiencing the Pandemic that has triggered a time distortion where many of us don't know what day, or even what time it is. 

Life will be divided into The Before Time, the Pandemic, and The After Time. 

We long for a sense of normal, we desperately want the After Time to begin. We’re not there yet, and the reality is that a lot of people will have a hard time this holiday season. People already struggle with loneliness, now it's a whole new level. 

I think what I'm trying to say is let's do our best to reach out to people. Let's make time to have an extra zoom social or three. 

Meet friends and have a socially distanced bonfire. Look out for the people you know who live alone. 

If you're a person who struggles, please be clear, tell people. Tell them what they can do to help lighten your load, and brighten your day. We're in this together, yet very much apart. 

We can be careful with the stories we tell ourselves. We can focus on gratitude, and that this too shall pass. 

I'm sending you my love. I hope you're doing okay. Feel free to send me a note, tell me how you are. 

I'm holding up pretty well, so you can lean on me. Let me know if I can help lift you up a little, as much as I'm able, because you matter. You matter to me. 

Big hugs.

*typos and errors provided for your entertainment.

Meditation is the worst. Don't do it.

Meditation is the worst. Don't do it.

The Art of Going Slow

The Art of Going Slow